Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Innistrad Legacy Preview 1

As of now, there's 59 out of 264 cards spoiled for Innistrad (including 15 basic lands). And so far, it's been rather disappointing for Legacy. Let's take a quick look. (Innistrad Legacy Preview part 2 here)

Transform Mechanic

About Magic's first double-faced cards, I really disliked the design on first sight. Logistical problems aside, if I drew a checklist card and forget the card text, my opponent will know that I have a double-faced card in hand if I read the actual card somewhere else. Information is king.

Now onto actual cards.

Dearly Departed
Lord effect that is -ve card advantage but not easily dealt with in the usual sense (ie plow/bolt). And a human lord? What humans are there? Dark Confidant, Grim Lavamancer, Keldon Marauders, Knight Exemplar, Knight of the Reliquary, Meddling Mage, Mother of Runes, Noble Hierarch, Patron Wizard, Rafiq of the Many, Tireless Tribe, Trinket Mage, Venser, Shaper Savant, Voidmage Prodigy, Weathered Wayfarer, basically a bunch of wizards, knights, soldiers, and random. Human tribal? Even if that's possible, how're you going to discard Dearly Departed? Hope you get your Human deck working!

Elite Inquisitor
Protection is irrelevant and there's better stuff for double white (eg Serra Avenger).

Mentor of the Meek
Great if you have Aether Vial. Also, disruptive weenies (refer to list of humans above) are likely to have their power small. Then again, there's Dark Confidant, so why this?

Mikaeus, the Lunarch
I don't know what a Lunarch is but I know this does almost nothing to Legacy.

Ludevic's Test Subject // Ludevic's Abomination
There's Moonmist, but it doesn't transform this card.

Murder of Crows
Would be fun to see it put all your cards into the graveyard with a sacrifice outlet and a card that gets you token creatures when you do so. Then again, there's Mesmeric Orb + Basalt Monolith and the whole Dredge deck.

Bloodgift Demon
Not as fast/resistant to removal as Phyrexian Arena, and the latter is not very much used in Legacy.

Diregraf Ghoul
Would you aggro with 1 black mana (when there's Wild Nacatl) or would you cast Thoughtseize and remove the Goyf?

Reaper from the Abyss

Boneyard Wurm
As a 4-of, this isn't big enough in the beginning. As a 1-off, Terravore is probably a better target for Green Sun's Zenith. And Scavenging Ooze says hi!

Mayor of Avabruck // Howlpack Alpha
Another Human lord! Green white black with Dark Confidant, Noble Hierarch, Mother of Runes, Knight of the Reliquary and discard? Potentially viable as there's many good cards there. But goyf probably is bigger.
Moonmist Werewolf deck? Affinity is probably the only 'block' deck that has a decent chance in Legacy but artifacts are everywhere throughout Magic's history. Werewolves? Not so much.

Olivia Voldaren
Nice card for your vampire EDH deck!

Clifftop Retreat / Hinterland Harbor / Isolated Chapel / Sulfur Falls / Woodland Cemetery
Viable duals for budget Legacy decks? Probably! Hope they get reprinted and become cheap enough.

There's more to go and my hopes are for useful flashback cards the likes of Ancient Grudge. And of course, the 5 ability Liliana (edit: sadly it's not Liliana... Innistrad Legacy Preview part 2 here). With so much flexibility, hopefully it'll be Jace in black.
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