Wednesday, July 27, 2011

[Tourney Coverage] 24-07-11 Legacy Tourney Commentary

The Singapore Legacy tourney last Sunday was marked with a 32-player turnout, the largest ever so far since Angus organized the monthly series. Here's what appeared that day:

Zoo5 (2 Cat Sligh, 3 Blue Zoo)
UW Stoneblade3
BW Stoneblade2
Forgemaster Combo2
Landstill2 (BUG and UW)
NO Bant1
Imperial Painter1
GW Maverick1
Red Deck Wins1
Scepter Chant1

You can find all decklists at the MtgTrinket facebook page.

5 Zoos, 8 combo (excluding Elves and Forgemaster) fielded the day with a couple of blue control, black-based midrange and some other decks. Makes quite a diversified field even though 7 decks in total packed the Stoneforge Mystic package.

Since the SFM package consists of about only 5-7 cards and a single white mana, this versatility allows it to be incorporated into different shells (blue-based control, black-based midrange, green-based aggro etc). So, Standard players who are reading these have a chance to play Legacy with your arsenal (if you haven't sold them yet)! See you next tourney. ;)

If Stoneforge Mystic continues to grow in popularity, Qasali Pridemage will likely be the answer (another good sign for Standard players entering the format). Being on color, Knight of the Reliquary and Green Sun's Zenith fit in naturally (another good sign for Standard players!) and you almost have a deck! It's just a matter of choosing which shell to fit those into – add blue and you get Bant, add black and it's Junk, add red and it's Zoo, add nothing and you get either Green & Taxes or GW Maverick. Newcomers into the Legacy scene are spoilt for choices!

For those of you who have been visiting my facebook page, you'd have known that I thought Blood Moon was a card that is positioned well against most of the decks played by the top players. It seems great against Loam-a-tog, MUD, and Team America, while being decent against Dreadstill and Zoo. Coincidentally, an Imperial Painter deck was played with 7 Moon effects but did not make top-8. Was I wrong or was it because of other reasons (eg Qasali Pridemage)? I don't know. Please let me know what your guesses if any!

Anyway, the Singapore Metagame Spreadsheet is now updated and you can just click on the image over at this page to access it. If you spotted any errors, please inform me and I'll update it. Will also appreciate any inputs to make it complete!
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