Edit: Decklists available over at my facebook page.
If you weren't over at Games Haven today, here's a view of what happened:

People mountain people sea. Hope to see more of that next tourney!

Yes, the grass is greener on the Pokemon side. But it's yellowish green, not much better than our crispy-brown.
Too bad I didn't get a group photo of all 32 players, but here's what they look like seated at the tables:

First round pairings.

First kill of the day by non-other than Mark with Belcher. Of course, Zhiming regretted lending him the deck when he didn't make top-8 while Mark made top-4.

Nearby, our tourney organizer got himself an 8/8 KotR and a 10/10 Hydra against his opponent.

Somewhere else, Raymond Entombed an Elesh Norn. That, and Jin-Gitaxis fielded 3 players today.

And Kaiser seems to be in full control with Standstill after popping Batterskull into play via Stoneforge Mystic. That will be a move seen repeatedly with the multiple decks with the SFM package.

Lemme guess... He's thinking: “How do I beat Elfball with my Affinity deck?”

Ok. He can't.

And Green-White Maverick faces off Painter-Grindstone. Qasali Pridemage seems good against that as well as the multiple Batterskulls, Jittes, and Swords in the field.

Andrew from Malaysia was playing Reanimator as well, but his graveyard was kept in check by Kaiser's Relic of Progenitus one card each end of turn step.

Why so bored? Cause there's no grass here?

Maybe if we all get cute stuff like Domo, the girls will come flocking over from the Pokemon side. (That is, if you're not picky...)

Jace and Pernicious Deed against an empty board? How to win?

And Jace seals the deal against an empty board again.

Old trusty Psychatog against Vampire Nighthawk!

Pithing Needle, Phyrexian Revoker, and 2x Phyrexian Metamorph copying Revoker. All that beating down against Belcher. How to win?

Blightsteel Colossus threatening a kill next turn? Just cast Price of Progress and win on the spot!

Blue Zoo (or Red Bant) bringing the beats with Tarmos and KotRs.

“Yay, I'm playing Affinity!”
“Yay, I landed a turn 1 Trinisphere!”

Yup, that's a 10/10 KotR with a Sylvan Library.

Guy: “I Love Adalia”
Girl: “I Love Edeson”
Yup, you guessed it. They're playing Pokemon.

Can Sun Droplet gaining 2 life each round stave off Qasali and a 5/5 Knight? See what I mean about Qasali being a good card this tourney? If the SFM madness continues, the cat should see more play.

It's not Jace, but Elspeth against an empty board is good as well.

I'll play this, that, and that and draw a ton of card with Ad Nauseam.
What? I didn't draw a LED? ARGH!

As if Foil Iona and Foil Jin-Gitaxi are not enough, Andrew had to Animate Dead Terastodon and churn out 2 more elephants.

Remember Psychatog against Nighthawk? Now it's just Bitterblossom trumping the control deck.

Somewhere else, 2 Glimpse of Nature face off a Dark Confidant. Guess who won?

Mike enjoys playing Land-D with his Junk deck.

Albert loves drawing cards with Jin.

Albert hates drawing cards with Jin.
Top-8 players: Teng Siang, Kaiser, Benjamin, Ryan, Mark, Ryan, Raymond, and Mike!

At first, Raymond had 3 lands.

The next turn, 2 Wastelands and a Vindicate cleared Raymond's side of the board clear of all permanents. See what I told you about Mike and his Land-D tendencies?

And Perish is still as good as always against green decks.

Of course, all the above is possible cause the peep at Games Haven are kind enough to give us some space on a Sunday. Kudos to them!
So if you're not playing Legacy yet, what are you waiting for? If you already have the Stoneforge Mystic package, you can mix it into almost any shell and stand a good chance against myriad Legacy decks!
See you next tourney!
PS. More photos are over at my Facebook page Tweet this!
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