Sunday, February 27, 2011

Magic: the Prophecy

It's been 18 years since Magic: the Gathering started in 1993 and it's still running strong. But will it remain as popular in the future? I don't really think so and this is why:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

[Brainstorming] Meandeck MUD with Scars of Mirrodin

Now if you're a mana and bombs person, this deck is perfect for you! The release of Scars of Mirrodin brought artifact bombs with it in the form of Wurmcoil Engine, Kuldotha Forgemaster, Myr Battlesphere, and Steel Hellkite. These seemed to have proved their worth when Michael Bomholt made 2nd place at SCG Indianapolis with Meandeck MUD.

Wait no more, here's the decklist:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Why Do You Play Magic?

I'm not one to make new year resolutions. But I do think about things once in a while. And with 5 days of Chinese New Year holidays, I have a lot of time to do that. I've been thinking of what I got from Magic, measuring up against what I put in, and debating whether it's worth it. Now, rather than me writing about funky deck techs and new ideas for Legacy decks, I'd like to know why you play Magic: the Gathering. Tell me the reasons why you play Magic!

Let's start by telling you mine first.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mirrodin Besieged Legacy Preview

The 2nd of the 2nd Mirrodin cycle, Mirrodin Besieged is filled with interesting cards that are spread across all the different rarities. With a whole block dedicated to artifacts, I hope you had your Goblin Welders and Affinity deck ready. Here's some of the cards that struck me:

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